Sunday, September 30, 2012

We walked and walked

Rising incidence of cardiovascular diseases in India especially among youths is a cause of concern. It's very important that we should follow a healthy lifestyle. In present world with all McDs and Pizza Hut it's difficult to stick to healthy food unless we are highly motivated. Another problem is mess food if u stay in hostel, which is almost always bad. You tend to eat out which is mostly unhealthy.
On occasion of world heart day Manipal university organized walkathon. Over 600 people participated from all age groups ranging from below 8 to above 65. Many of those who participated were cardiac patients. Seeing them walk ahead of us all was really inspiring. That made us realize we need to change.
Exercise should become an integral part of our life. Later in life we are going to be busy and mostly leading a sedentary life. Increasing our risk for heart disease. So in order to prevent that 